About Us

Who We Help

We help people who have tried and failed everything else to get their energy back.

That know they can't keep doing what they're doing to make it through the day.

That are ready to stop doing what everyone else is doing and instead do what works.

That want to end their fatigue, energy crashes, hormone imbalances, brain fog, sleep issues and start to live freely again.

What We Do

We help these clients achieve true healing instead of managing symptoms by making health simple for all to understand.

We do this through our flagship offer - The Health Accelerator.

We help clients develop a deeper understanding of how fatigue and brain fog start and how to heal them naturally so that they are the ones in control of their health. Our goal is for our clients to not need us, or anyone else, to guide them through their healing journey again.

By helping our clients achieve this level of success, they are able to improve the health of their family, friends, and acquaintances. They have transformed into the person who is vibrant and energetic which is, of course, magnetic!

Our Philosophy

We help our clients find the perfect mix of healing protocols that move the needle and are enjoyable at the same time. No two people take the exact same path to great and consistent energy and health. It's our job to make this work for our client's lifestyle.


Get clients results.


Do more with less.


Personal life matters.


Processes that work.


We improve the world's health.


We love what we do.

Our Team

Dr. Cortney Nall

Women's Health Coach

Chiropractor, Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition

Dr. James Nall

Gut Health Coach

Chiropractor, Board Certified in Internal Disorders

Our Philosophy

We help our clients find the perfect mix of healing protocols that move the needle and are enjoyable at the same time. No two people take the exact same path to great and consistent energy and health. It's our job to make this work for our client's lifestyle.


Get clients results.


Do more with less.


Social life matters.


Processes that work.


We improve the world's health.


We love what we do.

Our Team

Dr. Cortney Nall, DC, DCBCN

Women's Health Coach

Dr. James Nall, DC, DABCI

Gut Health Coach

Dr. Cortney's Story

Dr. Cortney Nall

Working a full time job and having a child that does not sleep through the night is a difficult thing to balance without letting your health fall victim. I become very dependent on caffeine and higher fat foods in order to get through my workday. It wasn't until my second pregnancy I realized what caffeine was doing to my body and my unborn child's development and future. I was using caffeine and fat as an adrenaline rush just to survive.

Four weeks postpartum with my second child I quit caffeine cold turkey. It was a challenge with a newborn, toddler, and going back to work but I knew for my health going forward I had to do it. I was beginning to have mood swings, lose hair, gain weight, bloating, and reacting to foods I did not react to before. If I didn't do something now I knew deep down this could all snowball into something worse.

I had made a lot of changes already but a lot of it was wrong for me. I tried paleo diet, elimination diet, keto, supplements like colostrum (I even did my clinical nutrition degree published journal on this!), glandulars, and electrolyte powders.

Dr. Cortney Nall, DC, DCBCN

I ordered blood work, food sensitivity panels, hair analysis, hormone testing, DNA testing, and urinalysis that didn't provide me any additional insight. It wasn't until I started applying the Medical Medium protocols and my journey learning about myself (human design and astrology) which really helped align me with a protocol that allowed me to thrive and heal.

When I'm not helping clients to heal you will find me at 6AM barre workout classes, attending concerts with my husband, homeschooling my daughters, grocery shopping, spending time at the beach or pool with my family, reading romantasy books, snuggling with my goldendoodle, or driving my girls to gymnastics, tennis, soccer, and dance classes!

I am also trained in Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique and Angel Reiki both of which help with relaxing the body and nervous system during the cleansing process and provide intuitive direction.

I look forward to helping you heal and finding that inner peace.

Contact Us

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